Luna Bakery KC

A home sourdough microbakery serving Kansas City


Upcoming Events

June 22, 2024

Away from the Bakery

Taking a short break this weekend

June 29, 2024

7am - 12pm

Parkville Farmers Market

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Come see us every Saturday from 7am-12pm.

July 6, 2024

7am - 12pm

Parkville Farmers Market

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Come see us every Saturday from 7am-12pm.

July 14, 2024

7am - 12pm

Parkville Farmers Market

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Come see us every Saturday from 7am-12pm.

About Luna Sourdough

Why Sourdough?

The fermentation process creates natural, wild yeasts that adapt to the air and environment around them. All sourdough starters are unique in bacterial content and the resulting yeast naturally leavens the bread. Sourdough naturally has a lower glycemic load, a lower gluten content, and higher probiotic content than bread made with instant yeast


All Luna sourdough loaves are made with a mixture of high protein bread flour, whole wheat flour, and rye flour. We source organic, non-gmo grains to maximize the benefits and make all loaves the old fashioned way with flour, kosher salt, and water. That’s it. There are no additives, preservatives, or hidden ingredients.

The Process

All loaves are naturally leavened using our sourdough starter. They are all mixed in small batches in our home kitchen to ensure each loaf gets the time and attention it needs over the 24+ hour fermentation period. The resulting loaf stays fresh for an extended period of time and has a unique, delicious, hearty taste.

Luna Bakery KC

Meet Lauren Miller, Owner of Luna Bakery

After getting diagnosed with pre-diabetes and hashimotos postpartum, I knew I had to learn more about healing through food. I have a history of working with fermented foods and have made kombucha, fermented sodas, fire cider, and homemade vinegars for over 12 years.

I started making all of my family's grain based items from scratch using sourdough starter and discard ranging from sourdough pie, crackers, to sourdough bread. I was able to turn my health around and decided I wanted to share my love of fermented bread with my community by opening my home kitchen to a small amount of weekly orders.

What started as a hobby turned into a small business where I get to uphold my values. I focus on sourcing organic, non gmo, and local whenever possible. I love combining unexpected flavors and utilizing in season produce. I also grow a lot of what I use in my baked goods in our backyard garden.

In addition to baking, I work in tech operations, am a devoted mom, and wife to my supportive husband. I'm also an avid gardener and animal lover.

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